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The 5 Ws of a Small Group

Updated: Apr 23, 2024

Praise the Lord! Even with all of the changes over the past year, Farmington Baptist Church has seen considerable growth. While this is incredible, it also means that many of us aren't familiar with one another. We see the new faces but don't have an opportunity to get to know one another because we only see each other in passing on a Sunday morning or Wednesday night. One of the best ways to form deeper relationships here at FBC is to join a small group. Hopefully this will answer all of your questions and give you what you need to get plugged in.

What is a small group?

Small groups are simply a group of people, typically in a similar stage of life, who possibly live near each other, that meet once a week for a time to fellowship, dig deeper into the sermon from Sunday morning (with provided sermon discussion questions), and prayer. Within each group is a:

Host - someone who opens their home, organizes the meal/time, and takes attendance

Discussion leader - leads the group through the sermon discussion questions. They don't teach, simply facilitate.

Click the link below if you're interested in being a host and/or discussion leader.

Who can join a small group?

Anyone that attends FBC...visitors, regular attenders, and members of all ages.

When do small groups meet?

Small groups meet once a week for most weeks throughout the year. We take some weeks off due to holidays, special church events, etc. Some groups meet on Sunday evenings and some meet other days during the week. Each group decides which night is best for them.

Where do small groups meet?

Anyone in your group can host your small group for the week. You can alternate homes or meet at the same place each time...totally up to your group.

Why should I join a small group?

This is a great way to get to know others in the church better. It helps you form deeper, more personal relationships as you fellowship together and pray for one another. It also allows you to dig deeper into God's word as you walk through the sermon discussion questions together.

Ready to join a small group? Want to host and/or lead a group? Simply click on the link below to let us know you're interested and someone will follow up with you.


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