Visitor Parking: Just a reminder, if you would leave the parking spaces right in front of the main sanctuary doors empty for visitors. Thanks in advance for your help in this area.
Small Groups will meet the week of January 17th.
Ignition: Tuesday, January 19th at 3:30pm. This Tuesday, the 19th, is for our High Schoolers. Ignition will only meet on Tuesdays for the remainder of the school year. You can register your teen here.
Wednesday, January 20th:
New Connections Class: 6:00pm. Meet Pastor Phillip in the foyer.
FUEL & AWANA: 6:45pm
Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00pm
Elders Meeting, Thursday, January 21st at 7pm.
Deacons Meeting, Thursday, January 21st at 7:45pm.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Saturday, January 23rd beginning 8:30am. There will be a time of fellowship before a season of prayer. We will meet in Building C. Please bring your lawn chair and coffee.
4th Quarter Business Meeting, Sunday, January 31st at 5:30pm in the fellowship hall of Building A.
The new playground is officially open!
Prayer Requests:
Our Country
“New” AWANA volunteers – Puggles, Cubbies and Sparks
Our Nurses and Doctors
Parker Bailey – monthly chemo treatments
Mandy Bailey – that she would gain strength from her surgery
Brian Myers' sister, Amy – cancer and chemo treatments
Derek Cornett – pray for complete healing of a back fracture
Debbie Seats – pray for complete recovery from Bell’s palsy
Karen Cook – recovery from hip surgery
Shelby Gregory – health issues
Sarah Dinkins (Robin Quinn’s niece) – diagnosed with Covid, safety for her and unborn baby
Please remember the family of Pasty Bolin. Mrs. Bolin’s brother passed away earlier this week.
Praise! Justin & Haley Potts are the proud parents of a new baby boy, Noah James, who was born on January 12th weighing 8 lbs, 15 oz, and was 20 inches long.
Praise! Ray and Lori Courchesne joined our fellowship last Sunday!