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Farmington Baptist Church Upcoming Events & Prayer Needs 4-25-2021

Men, we need your help to cook and serve at the Mother’s Day Breakfast on Saturday, May 8th, from 8-11am. We are also in need of a coordinator for this event. Please let us know that we can count on you by signing up here.

Small groups will meet this coming week.

Spark’s event, Sunday April 25th after church in Building C till 3pm. Please let Coleen Walker know that your Sparkie will be attending this event.

Ignition: Tuesday, April 27th at 3:30pm on campus at FBC, for our high school students.

Elders Meeting, Thursday, April 29th at 7pm

Deacons/Elders Meeting, Thursday, April 29th at 7:30pm

Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Saturday, May 1st beginning at 8:30am. This is open to all the men of the church. Please bring a lawn chair.

1st Quarter Business Meeting, Sunday, May 2nd at 5:30pm.

Needed: Volunteers for our Nursery/Crawler Class, Toddler Class, Preschool Class & Kids Worship areas. Please let us know if you can help in one of these areas by signing up here. We will then contact you to see which service time you would prefer to serve at.

Food Pantry: This is just a reminder that if you or someone you know needs assistance from our food pantry, please contact Deacon Roger (Ellen) Miller at 336-655-0967.

Prayer Requests: Our Country DNow – This Friday and Saturday – Pray for spiritual growth in our teens Mandy & Parker Bailey – chemo treatments Brian Myers sister, Amy – cancer and chemo treatments Allison Gupton’s grandma in Ohio – health issues Myrna Miller (Lori Courchesne’s mom) – health issues and salvation

Steve Gilliland -cancer & upcoming cancer treatments Janet Sunderman – recovery from surgery Robin Bauguess’ dad – health issues Vicky Stolz, brother-in-law – heart issues Jalita Eaton – recovery from surgery last week Dustin Goodson – health issues Daniel Goin’s sister, Lauren – ICU at Forsyth


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