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FBC Upcoming Events & Prayer Needs 1-20-2022

**DATE CHANGE** The Soup Fellowship and the 4th Quarter Business Meeting that was scheduled for January 23rd has been postponed till February 6th. We hope you make plans to attend these events on February 6th.

Small Groups will meet this week.

Diaper Drop for Caleb & Sherri Wooten. This Sunday, the 23rd, will be the last Sunday to bring diapers, wipes, etc. to “Welcome” the Wooten’s new little baby boy that is due anytime. Please place your gift on the table in the lobby.

FUEL: Sign-ups for WINTERJAM 2022 have begun. Ticket cost is $35. You can sign up and pay here.

Sign-Ups for Sunday Morning Bible Studies, Volume 1 has been extended through this Sunday, January 23rd. We are asking for you to sign-up so that we can plan the location of the classes. We will have 2 eight-week Bible Study classes beginning February 6th. Each Bible Study Class will be taught at 9:30am and 11am. Paul Stewart (9:30am) and Michael Eaton (11am) will be teaching from the book of Nehemiah. Roger Dull (9:30am) and various teachers (11am) will be teaching Jesus Christ Our Lord. Parents, there will also be Bible Study classes for kindergarten thru 5th grade and a teen class for each hour. There will also be classes for zero -PreK.

Click here to sign up online. You can also let us know Sunday by signing up with our Bible Study Card. Completed cards can be placed in the black tray located on the table in the lobby.

Elders Meeting, Tuesday, January 25th at 7pm.

Deacons/Elders Meeting, Tuesday, January 25th at 7:30pm.

Food Pantry: If you or someone you know needs assistance from our food pantry, please contact Deacon Roger (Ellen) Miller at 336-655-0967.

Prayer Requests: Our church Pastor Phillip and his family Associate Pastor Seth Parnell and his family Our Country Our church Elders & Deacons & their families Kid’s Worship – spiritual growth and salvations AWANA – spiritual growth and salvations FUEL - spiritual growth and salvations

Our Zambia church ministry Volunteers for our Sunday ministries (Kids Worship, Tech, Children (zero thru preK), Check-In, Security, Tech/Sound Booth) Hannah Hazelwood’s grandfather, Danny Hazelwood – treatments for lymphoma

Brian Myers’ sister, Amy – cancer and upcoming surgery Freddie Robinson’s dad, Fred – progression of Parkinson’s Sue Hill, Kelly Hill’s mom – “new” chemo treatments for Stage 4 cancer Karen Courchesne-Fehr – cancer and treatments Parker Bailey – leukemia. Pray that Parker will be able to ring the bell in February.

Ashton Conner’s grandmother – leukemia Pauline Quinn, Greg Quinn’s mom – Stage 4 lung cancer & chemo treatments

Steve Ellis – health issues Carl Stolz – health issues Allison Gupton’s grandmother – health issues Dustin Goodson – health issues Lori Courchesne’s mother – heart issues Judy Dull – back issues Janet Sunderman – health issues Mandy Bailey – recovering from surgery Gerald Johnson – recovering from a heart procedure Zacharia Goodman (7 mths old) – health problems Paula Livengood – recovering from an auto accident last weekend

Priscilla Brande – back issues Sherri (Caleb) Wooten – safe delivery of their little boy that is due any time

Daniel Pierce – in the hospital with Pneumonia


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