Chicken Stew Plus Volunteers
Every year one of our favorite community outreaches is our Chicken Stew Plus. This year it will be on Saturday, October 21st. There will be hayrides, trunk or treat, hot dogs and of course...the best chicken stew you’ll put in your mouth. In order for this to happen, we need a lot of volunteers. There is something for every personality so even if you’re a “behind the scenes” kind of person, there is a place for you. If you’d like to volunteer or decorate your vehicle for Trunk or Treat, click here to sign up in Church Center.
Need decorating ideas? Click here for some suggestions!
As we prepare for the upcoming Chicken Stew Plus on October 21st, we need lots and lots of candy to hand out during Trunk or Treat. All candy can be dropped off in the main lobby until October 18th.
We have an immediate need for volunteers in our nursery (infant through walking), toddlers (walking through 3 yrs), and preschool (3yrs-5yrs). If you simply have questions and want to know what is involved or if you'd like to sign up to help, you can either click on the link below or contact our Preschool Coordinator, Emily Hamilton at
Small Groups Meet This Week
Would you like to join/host/lead a small group? Click the link below for details of what it means to be a part of a small group. There is also information on hosting and/or leading a group.
Awana Store
The first Awana store is coming up this Wednesday, October 18th. The kids will be so excited to spend their hard-earned Awana bucks!
Food Pantry - If you know of someone in need of food, please contact Robin Quinn at or (336) 422-7272
We are always accepting food and monetary donations!
Prayer Needs:
On-Going …
Our Country
Our Military
Pastor Phillip and his family
Associate Pastor Seth Parnell and his family
Intern, Greyson Snyder
Our church Elders, Deacons, and their families
Kid’s Worship – spiritual growth and salvations
Our Zambia Church ministry – growth and salvations
Hope Community Church (formerly Welcome Baptist Church)
Individual Prayer Needs …
Lori Courchesne’s mother, Myrna Miller – heart issues and brother, Brian Wrisley – Parkinson’s
Jessica Draper – cancer treatments
Doug Ivestor – lung cancer
Dustin Goodson – health issues
Brian Myers’ sister – cancer/health issues
Yvonne (Wes) Holcomb's brother, Matt McKnight - pancreatic cancer
Mr. Bond from Vulcan – cancer
Pam Messick- health issues
Allison Gupton’s grandmother – vascular dementia
Lindsey Hunter's father, Sam Rule - bladder cancer
Barbie Bailey - recovery from cancer
Greg Quinn's mother, Pauline - stage 4 lung cancer
Sheila Blanton - Cancer
Penny Bell – Stage 5 kidney disease
Megan Melton's mom, Susan - kidney issues
Amanda Seaford’s mom, Jeanette Jewell – cancer
Skip & Sheila Taylor - Skip, throat cancer - Sheila, cancer
Jaclyn Hursery - health issues
Melissa Wilmoth - cancer/health issues
Patrick Hutton's mother - pancreatic cancer
Judy Sparks - inoperable lung cancer - currently taking chemo and radiation treatments
Lauren Wall - recovering from hip surgery
Marie Sagraves - Recovery from double bypass surgery on September 26th
Anthony Jones - recovery from open heart/valve replacement on September 26th
Paul Pitt - recovery from hip replacement surgery
Angie Wooten - cancer
Larry Isom - cancer
Chris & Talara Matthews welcomed their grandson, Llewelyn Perry Smith on October 9th - congratulations!!
If you have a Prayer Request, please email us at