New …
Shelby Sterchi - additional recovery from a back fusion procedure this past Thursday
Greyson Snyder's father - back surgery today
Logan Presnell - surgery on a broken ankle today
Roger Dull - continued recovery from having a pace maker put in
On-Going …
Our Country
Our Military
Pastor Phillip and his family
Associate Pastor Seth Parnell and his family
Intern, Greyson Snyder
Our church Elders, Deacons & their families
Kid’s Worship – spiritual growth and salvations
AWANA – spiritual growth and salvations
FUEL – spiritual growth and salvations
Our Zambia Church ministry – growth and salvations
For the revitalization of Welcome Baptist Church.
Individual Prayer Needs …
Allison Gupton’s grandmother – diagnosed with vascular dementia
Lori Courchesne’s family members: sister-in-law, Karen Courchesne-Fehr- cancer; mother, Myrna Miller – heart issues and brother, Brian Wrisley – Parkinson’s
Josh Gupton’s step-grandmother Mary Lou who has dementia, cancer and other health issues
Kendrick Fruits’ grandmother – on-going health issues
Jessica Draper – cancer treatments
The Romaine Family (Missionaries in Spain) – Their 8 yr old son, Ian who has a brain tumor
Doug Ivestor – lung cancer
Amanda Seaford’s mom, Jeanette Jewell – cancer and chemo treatments
Jason Evans – a job
Dustin Goodson – health issues
Brian Myers’ sister – health issues
Greg Quinn's mother, Pauline - stage 4 lung cancer/treatments
Pat Law – sciatica issues
Yvonne (Wes) Holcomb - her brother, Matt McKnight - pancreatic cancer
Seth's grandfather - 92 years old, recovering at home from a fall
Larry Isom - recovering at home from knee surgery
Jaclyn Hursey – Cancer
Mr. Bond from Vulcan – cancer
Katie (Nate) Johnson - her brother, Keith Dillard - cancer in nasal passage. Complications are putting off his PET scan. Pray this can happen soon.
Kelly Myers' mother - heart issues (medication, further tests in January)
Joel Clampitt - at home recovering from triple hernia surgery
Aaron Walker - leg and back issues
Pam Messick- health issues
Martha - kidney stones
Penny Bell – Stage 5 kidney disease
Hannah Hazelwood - in Spain to assist local missionaries for 6 months
Jamie Canupp- Colon Cancer
Cindy Martin - Rare form of a cancer in her muscles
Shelby Sterchi - brother in the hospital with a severe infection in his arm
Melissa Wilmoth - continued recovery from an outpatient procedure last week
Pat Green - recovering from foot surgery
Don & Pat Green's son, Shane - medical issues
Teresa Mitchell's mother, Blanche Hunt - in Forsyth hospital recovering from surgery to repair a broken hip due to a fall
Shelby Gregory - in hospice care
Praise - Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! The Lord has allowed us, along with NDMS and Pinebrook to feed over 155 boys and girls, moms and dads this December Thank you for giving as the Lord blessed you, so that we could show the love of Christ to others .
If you have a Prayer Request, please email us at