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New Sunday Morning Bible Studies

Updated: Jan 24, 2022

Starting on Sunday, February 6th, we will be starting 2 new eight-week Sunday morning bible studies. Each class will be taught at both 9:30 & 11:00.

Paul Stewart (9:30) & Michael Eaton (11:00) will be teaching Nehemiah, Part 1.

Roger Dull (9:30) and various teachers (11:00) will be teaching Jesus Christ Our Lord.

Parents, there will be classes available for your K-5th grade children and teens. Nursery and toddler age will be in their usual classroom.

It would be very helpful to know who all plans to attend so we can make arrangements for children, room selection, etc. While registering, you will be able to choose the class time you plan to attend. Signups will be available through Sunday, January 30th.

Here are the links for both classes:

Nehemiah, Part 1(9:30 & 11:00)


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